quinta-feira, 11 de março de 2010

Annoted Bibliographie - Topic 2: Types of work in learning

Continuing whit my reflection about Cooperative learning, now I'm going to slach other way:

2) Types of work in learning:

  • http://www.espacoacademico.com.br/071/71andrioli.htm (Revista Espaço Académico Abril 2007 – Mensal – Ano VI, por Professor Inácio Andrioli): this article refers two types of education: competitive education and cooperative education. The first clames the idea that education is competitive because “Os mecanismos de competição estão presentes em muitos momentos da prática educativa. Podemos afirmar que as ideias de “superioridade” e “competência”, tão propagadas na ideologia liberal, são interpretadas como relativamente consensuais por muitas pessoas e se constituem na perspectiva da competitividade” (The mehanisms of competition are presente in many moments of educational practice. We can say that the ideas of ‘superiority’ and ‘competence’, so prevalent in the liberal ideology, are interpreted as relatively consensual by many people and constitute the perspective of competitiveness.), and this reveal’s that the individual human being, if isn’t educate in other perspectives could became selfish and egocentric. So Professor Andrioli says that “A educação pode ser entendida como uma acção cooperativa” (education could be understand as a cooperative action) which means that learning as a cooperative process of knowledge is a discovery and it occurs as a result of a social / global construction. He also refers that cooperative education has a major pedagogical dimension, because it could contribute to build solider practice among student’s.

  •  http://www.slideshare.net/MortenFP/cooperative-freedom-as-a-guiding-star-for-online-education : this power point show us a lot’s of thing, but I’ve concentrated in a slide that talks about three types of learning:
1. Individual learning: it provides freedom and flexibility but not collaboration whit other people;
2. Collaborative learning: it provides a less flexibility and freedom and requires participation in a learning community;
3. Cooperative learning: it provides flexibility in learning and freedom and also provides participation in a learning community, which means that cooperative learning is conjugate individual participation in global community.

  •  http://toonlet.com/archive?m=s&i=10870 (Theory of Cooperative Freedom, Morten Paulsen): this cartoon show us what is collaborative and cooperative learning and the difference between then; in the sixth cartoon says that “Cooperative Learning focuses on opportunities to encourage both individual flexibility and affinity to a learning community, because collaborative learning ‘requires students to sink or swim together’. So cooperative learning provides individual freedom and participation in a global group of work (of course this is possible because we’re talking about online groups
In conclusion I’ve to say a few things:
1) There are three types of learning: Individual, Collaborative and Cooperative;
2) The individual learning may introduce the competitivism in the process of learning, which means that the person could became selfish and could not evolutes in the process of learning, because, it’s from the human nature to be collaborative in the social way. The competitive learning it’s a bad way of learn (it brings bad environment of learning and it’s bring bad values in the personal development).
3) The collaborative learning is natural; we are social being, so, we collaborate one which others, but collaborative learning may not develop the learning as the cooperative way do it.
4) Cooperative learning is the previlegious way to learn; in Jaques Delors view is one of the pillar to the XXI century in education, because it develops the global learning, the mutual respect, the interculturalism (the melting pot)… among other principles.

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