terça-feira, 23 de março de 2010

Unit 1; Activity 3 - PPEL

Annoted Bibliography: from what I saw in my colleagues AB I’ve learn some things and I think I have to review and rewrite my AB.

António Pedro AB: His AB is very interesting in a particular way: he stands a group of questions to make understand collaborative and cooperative learning; he also stands a question related whit pedagogical techniques. It’s an AB synthetic but well done. I learn whit him that we should propose questions and try to answered to them to understand what’s mean to understand.

Maria João Spilker: in this AB there’s a very good structure what means about transparence in cooperative freedom. This is not very understandable in my AB; I need to talk about this item. I need to talk about the hexagon of cooperative freedom.

Hugo Domingos: It was a good structure which harmonize lecture with write and images. It isn’t a tiring lecture.

Paula Silva: She introduces a very important item – the article relevance to the theme analyses -; in my future AB I will introduce this item.

In all the AB that I read I saw a preoccupation whit the difference between Individual, Collaborative and Cooperative learning. The most of all talk’s about six freedoms and the transparence term in cooperative freedom (that is not well done or perceptible in my AB). I also learn that I should be more synthetic and try to write about the article relevance to the theme that I’m analyse.

Learning Object: In most of LO we saw the learner perspective; in a few we saw the tutor perspective.

I’ve discover Prezi that is a great instrument to present in an interactive way. I’ve done this discover whit Maria João LO. However Prezi is not easy to work because there is a redoubled work whit the space in a giant screen and he have to be very careful whit the spacing between content because if not the lecture could be confuse or disperse. That’s what happen in Paula Silva LO. In Juliana LO we saw the professor challenge but isn’t very specific (in my point of view) his tasks (it isn’t need, but if it has it will give us a more global perspective). In BD I saw that we shouldn’t put big speacks or, if we do it, we shouldn’t put a character because it will be cut. In Joaquim LO I think that is a grateful job, but I can’t understand the difference between collaborative and cooperative learning. Whit Maria Leal I’ve discovery the Xtranormal to do some amusing films.

Whit my colleagues I’ve learn that there is lots of tools to do Open Educational Resources. In other task I’ll try to do other LO with other new tool (for me).

One question that I put to myself when I start to do my LO - initially I start to do a power-point – is: what images I could put in here… lot of them aren’t license in OER; so I chose to do something different and that I don’t need to use images. Now I know where I find them, but… there some great images that aren’t free.

domingo, 21 de março de 2010

OER feito no prezi

Olá Colegas

Descobri o prezi. Fantástico! Deixo-vos uma apresentação que fiz para os meus alunos de 11ºano. Este recurso é o máximo. Se tiverem conhecimento de outros, por favor deixem-me indicações.

quarta-feira, 17 de março de 2010

A Sociedade em Rede

A Sociedade da Informação foi um termo que surgiu em 1973 com Daniel Bell que mostra que de algum modo a sociedade surge de forma modificada em termos informacionais depois da revolução / era industrial. Neste sentido a Sociedade da Informação é uma sociedade tecnológica que advém de um processo industrial entrando num período de independência e autonomia tecnológica. Mais tarde, na década de 90, o mesmo termo reaparece ligado a uma nova economia – Globalização –, aparecendo nos meios mais evoluídos em termos cognitivos, não já como Sociedade da Informação, mas sim como Sociedade do Conhecimento (termo utilizado, também pela UNESCO). A Sociedade da Informação é uma sociedade desenvolvida com a informação disponível, sendo esta vista como um meio de criação de conhecimento. A condição fundamental de Sociedade da Informação / comunicação (assim designada no processo de Globalização) tem como condição fundamental o acesso às tecnologias da Informação (desde a telefonia ou o telégrafo até à internet). Assim sendo enquanto a sociedade da Informação é uma sociedade ligada ao desenvolvimento económico, a sociedade do conhecimento liga-se, essencialmente, ao desenvolvimento de todos os sectores da sociedade.
Um dos grandes adventos do processo de Globalização – nova economia emergente no séc.XX com grandes consequências nos mais variados domínios (social, laboral, cognitivo, epistemológico…) – foi a utilização da Internet com as mais diversas funcionalidades. Nascida em 1970 com Vinton Cerf e Robert Kahn (a ARPANET) “ em apenas 25 anos (em comparação, a Revolução Industrial demorou cerca de 250 anos – dez vezes mais), a tecnologia de comunicação entre computadores desenvolveu-se desde um programa altamente secreto do Departamento de Defesa Americana até uma rede de mais de 50 milhões de utilizadores espalhados por milhares de redes em todos os cantos do Planeta”. Com o aparecimento da internet surge, também, a globalização ao nível dos conhecimentos – que se alargou de uma comunidade científica e militar (anos 70) às Universidades (entre 1977 e 1979) até chegar, como é óbvio, ao comum dos mortais (anos 90) - e, parece-me ser aqui que surge, precisamente, a noção de Sociedade em Rede (noção positiva e afirmativa da Internet como meio de formação de relações de interdependência ao nível digital com consequências fundamentais no domínio da realidade). O ano de 1983 foi considerado pelos cibernautas o ano do aparecimento (real) da Internet “pois foi a partir desse momento que a cultura de cidadania mundial se começou a consolidar nesta rede”. A Internet passou a ser uma rede (global) de redes (locais) que a partir dos anos 90 tem uma exponencial expansão atingindo, hoje, a existência de milhões de máquinas que se ligam em rede. A razão desse crescimento assenta na World Wide Web que transformou a Internet numa plataforma que consegue manter “uma grande teia de informação multimédia” que se obtém a partir da utilização de uma linguagem comum que permite integrar os diversos elementos do hipertexto (imagem, som, texto…).
O conceito de Sociedade em Rede surge com o potencial das tecnologias interactivas, na medida em que numa rede qualquer ponto tem o potencial de se conectar (ligar, desligar e interagir) a qualquer outro. Com a interactividade tecnológica que a internet possibilita criaram-se ambientes colectivos (salas de chat) que subverteram os parâmetros da comunicação à distância na medida em que os relacionamentos virtuais não tendem a substituir os reais mas sim a potenciá-los, permitindo a ‘comunicação muitos – muitos’ como afirmou Lévy abrindo a possibilidade da passagem de um ambiente ‘muitos – muitos’, a um ambiente ‘um-um’. A noção de Sociedade em Rede deixa um pouco de lado a parte tecnológica ou informacional colocando enfoque no domínio da sociedade e da comunicação estabelecida através da Internet. A rede é uma estrutura que tem, fundamentalmente, a propriedade da conectividade; ela é animada por fluxos tendo o seu principal dinamismo no campo social onde é animada tanto por dinâmicas locais como globais. As redes são estruturas complexas; são instrumentos de poder e de rivalidades, de integração e de exclusão. Estar em rede é um processo a partir do qual os indivíduos procuram um redimensionamento do espaço público (tanto na interacção, como na intersubjectividade e na mediação cultural); estar em rede é participar de forma colaborativa e cooperativa porque como disse Bruno Latour “ As redes são ao mesmo tempo reais como a natureza, narradas como o discurso, colectivas como a sociedade”. Actualmente o mundo está ligado em tempo real e os acontecimentos globais influenciam a nossa vida (local), bem como os acontecimentos locais repercutem-se na arquitectura global. Mais do que uma multidisciplinaridade (presente, parece-me, numa Sociedade da Informação) a Sociedade em Rede é uma sociedade de interdisciplinaridade porque como diz Castels “Todos os processos se somam só num processo, em tempo real, no planeta inteiro”. A sociedade em Rede é uma sociedade por onde passa, de forma dinamizada, o fluxo das imagens, sons, riqueza e poder que reconfigura o espaço e o tempo, reconstruindo o nosso Ser no Mundo a cada momento que passa (como afirmou Heidegger). Estar em rede é associar-se à existência social, política e económica; não estar em rede é associar-se à exclusão, miséria e violência. Este é o prelúdio da Globalização, um processo que se repercute a todos os níveis.
Com Castels surge a teorização de uma nova sociedade – a Sociedade em Rede – que apesar de surgir da antiga Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento, se assume como efectivamente diferente. Esta nova Sociedade é uma sociedade dinâmica, inserida numa nova economia e com potencialidades arquitectónicas porque é uma sociedade que se conecta (liga, desliga e comunica) a um nível local e global, ao mesmo tempo. Esta é uma sociedade estrutural ancorada numa tecnologia interactiva que possibilita, no domínio social, através do advento de uma linguagem comum, a teia de relações (local e global) que redimensiona o espaço e o tempo possibilitando a interacção de conhecimentos e a cooperação em todos os domínios, nomeadamente no da aprendizagem (como diz Castels no vídeo colocado na página da disciplina ESR) ‘aparecerá uma geração de estudantes que comunicam em rede’ (parece-me que estamos no inicio deste advento) e comunicar em rede é ‘aprender com outros pesquisadores, de outras disciplinas; aprender em conjunto e por aproximação’.

quinta-feira, 11 de março de 2010

Annoted Bibliographie - Topic 3: Cooperative learning in online environment

Having an end in my work

3) Cooperative learning in online environment:

  • Paulsen, M.F. 2003, Part One: Online Education, Teaching and Learning, Cooperative Freedom: An Online Education Theory (p. 39 – 50): this text talks about lots of things and he puts in order three theories about learning - Theories of autonomy and independence; Theories of industrialization, and Theories of interaction and communication – in the first Paulsen refers that Moore (1983) “ argues that distance education organizations should ideally give students maximum independence with regard to choice of aims, objectives, study methods, and learning activities; study pace and progression; and evaluation.”; on the second Peters’ (1988) says that “the structure of distance teaching is determined to a considerable degree by the principles of industrialization, particularly by those of rationalization, division of labor, and mass production; the teaching process is gradually restructured through increasing mechanization and mass production”, and in the third Holmberg (1988) says that “conversation-like interaction between the student on the one hand and the tutor counselor of the supporting organization administering the study on the other”. Well this means that the first theory put’s in order the communication by the computer, the second doesn’t emphasizes the computer communication but look’s to the standard student (maybe emphasizes the individualism), but the third talk’s about computer communication and the asynchronous way of learning. He also creates a theory: Cooperative Freedom, which means that student as freedom on the learning process, and this freedom is in: content, access, time, space, pace, medium (present in The hexagon of cooperative freedom). All this freedom motivates, implies and stimulates the student and conjugate the individual freedom whit the social communication. The learning mediated by computer gives individual freedom and promotes global involvement among other persons. The cooperative freedom is a theory that show us haw much we are all involve in the learning process. That why (I think) when professor Paulsen made is presentation he says “Dear Colleagues” and not “Dear students”; he puts itself in our side – we are all learners. I think that’s the essence of Cooperative Freedom. In full of conclusion, like in Paulsen’s article The Hexagon Of Cooperative Freedom: A Distance Education Theory Attuned to Computer Conferencing, “Cooperative freedom is a fabricated term. At first sight, it seems self-contradictory."Cooperative" indicates group interaction, though "freedom" implies individual autonomy. Yet, if we could develop a distance education system that combines freedom for the individual with group cooperation, we would attain a distance education system based on cooper-ative freedom.” This kind of learning is to adult’s who wants to learn but has their lives (and a little less time, place… to study).

  • http://www.google.com/books?hl=ptPT&lr=&id=t22GwVs_jEwC&oi=fnd&pg=PR6&dq=cooperative+learning+online&ots=e5Tfxl6yU2&sig=8WzXawHWVCTVwntaRWHIuls8R8#v=onepage&q=cooperative%20learning%20online&f=false (Implement Computer Supported – Cooperative Learning, David Mcconnell, published in 1994, 2nd edition 2000): this book talk’s about cooperative learning and it support that this kind of learning is used in universities. It talk’s about Computer Supported cooperative learning (CSCL). It also refers that cooperative learning is one of the older social learning and that the altruism is based on cooperation as ideology. This kind of learning is theorizes by Piaget constructivism and other learning theories. Mcconell talks about an interesting thing as the positive interrelation: promotes intergroup relation and cross-cultural relations; creates norms in group that support high achievement. Cooperative learning encourages a spirit of learning and an understanding of the nature of knowledge. When he talks about CSCL system he talk’s about the computer structure, the asynchronous and synchronous way of communicate and, it show us that CSCL is the previligious way to the cooperative learning.

  • http://www.downes.ca/ (blog de Stephan Downes) – This blog was lot’s of interesting articles, and I’m going to refer the E-Learning 2.0 article, when Downes talks about the tools that provides a practice community – and defines it: “In the world of e-learning, the closest thing to a social network is a community of practice, articulated and promoted by people such as Etienne Wenger in the 1990s. According to Wenger,” a community of practice is characterized by "a shared domain of interest" where "members interact and learn together" and "develop a shared repertoire of resources." I think that is here where is the origin of the term cooperative learning (correct me if it isn’t). He also talks about Connectivism as a learning theory and he say’s: “Taking this approach even further is George Siemens's Connectivism. "We derive our competence," writes Siemens, "from forming connections... Chaos is a new reality for knowledge workers... Unlike constructivism, which states that learners attempt to foster understanding by meaning-making tasks, chaos states that the meaning exists— the learner's challenge is to recognize the patterns which appear to be hidden. Meaning-making and forming connections between specialized communities are important activities." Readers of Douglas Rushkoff's Cyberia will recognize a similar theme as knowledge-working is no longer thought of as the gathering and accumulation of facts, but rather, the riding of waves in a dynamic environment” (E-Learning 2.0, Stephen Downes, October 17, 2005
In conclusion I can say that:
1) Cooperative learning born in Construtivism learning theory but it’s in the Connectivism (George Siemens's theory) theory that show us the really mean of cooperative – forming conections – learning.
2) Cooperative learning is Cooperative freedom because it means learn joining individual capacity whit global communication taking time for everything.
3) Cooperative freedom it’s a way to learn taking computer as a way of work, communicate, teach and learn, taking this areas as interdependent.
4) CSCL (Computer Supported cooperative learning) is the cooperative freedom way;
5) Cooperative freedom takes part of sharing objects, looking for a supportive or jointly learning (using tools like web 2.0).

Annoted Bibliographie - Topic 2: Types of work in learning

Continuing whit my reflection about Cooperative learning, now I'm going to slach other way:

2) Types of work in learning:

  • http://www.espacoacademico.com.br/071/71andrioli.htm (Revista Espaço Académico Abril 2007 – Mensal – Ano VI, por Professor Inácio Andrioli): this article refers two types of education: competitive education and cooperative education. The first clames the idea that education is competitive because “Os mecanismos de competição estão presentes em muitos momentos da prática educativa. Podemos afirmar que as ideias de “superioridade” e “competência”, tão propagadas na ideologia liberal, são interpretadas como relativamente consensuais por muitas pessoas e se constituem na perspectiva da competitividade” (The mehanisms of competition are presente in many moments of educational practice. We can say that the ideas of ‘superiority’ and ‘competence’, so prevalent in the liberal ideology, are interpreted as relatively consensual by many people and constitute the perspective of competitiveness.), and this reveal’s that the individual human being, if isn’t educate in other perspectives could became selfish and egocentric. So Professor Andrioli says that “A educação pode ser entendida como uma acção cooperativa” (education could be understand as a cooperative action) which means that learning as a cooperative process of knowledge is a discovery and it occurs as a result of a social / global construction. He also refers that cooperative education has a major pedagogical dimension, because it could contribute to build solider practice among student’s.

  •  http://www.slideshare.net/MortenFP/cooperative-freedom-as-a-guiding-star-for-online-education : this power point show us a lot’s of thing, but I’ve concentrated in a slide that talks about three types of learning:
1. Individual learning: it provides freedom and flexibility but not collaboration whit other people;
2. Collaborative learning: it provides a less flexibility and freedom and requires participation in a learning community;
3. Cooperative learning: it provides flexibility in learning and freedom and also provides participation in a learning community, which means that cooperative learning is conjugate individual participation in global community.

  •  http://toonlet.com/archive?m=s&i=10870 (Theory of Cooperative Freedom, Morten Paulsen): this cartoon show us what is collaborative and cooperative learning and the difference between then; in the sixth cartoon says that “Cooperative Learning focuses on opportunities to encourage both individual flexibility and affinity to a learning community, because collaborative learning ‘requires students to sink or swim together’. So cooperative learning provides individual freedom and participation in a global group of work (of course this is possible because we’re talking about online groups
In conclusion I’ve to say a few things:
1) There are three types of learning: Individual, Collaborative and Cooperative;
2) The individual learning may introduce the competitivism in the process of learning, which means that the person could became selfish and could not evolutes in the process of learning, because, it’s from the human nature to be collaborative in the social way. The competitive learning it’s a bad way of learn (it brings bad environment of learning and it’s bring bad values in the personal development).
3) The collaborative learning is natural; we are social being, so, we collaborate one which others, but collaborative learning may not develop the learning as the cooperative way do it.
4) Cooperative learning is the previlegious way to learn; in Jaques Delors view is one of the pillar to the XXI century in education, because it develops the global learning, the mutual respect, the interculturalism (the melting pot)… among other principles.

Annoted Bibliographie - Topic 1: Difference between collaborative and cooperative learning

I've been loking for bibliographie about the propose theme: Cooperative Freedom, and I've found lot's of book's, articles, blogs, net pages... So I stay a little bit confuse, and I think: I'm not going to enlarge very much, because the time is running, I'm going to center in some book's, articles, blogs, and try to understand them. So I'm going to present the bibliographie and my reflection is going to be center in tree points:
1) Difference between collaborative and cooperative learning;
2) Types of work in learning;
3) Collaborative and cooperative learning in online environment;

The bibligraphie that i've search was:
• Andrioli, Inácio, Revista Espaço Académico Abril 2007 – Mensal – Ano VI
• Cristiane Luiza Köb Leite, Marileni Ortencio de Abreu Passos, Patrícia Lupion Torres e Paulo Roberto Alcântara, A Aprendizagem Colaborativa na Educação a Distância on-line;
• Mcconnell, David, Implement Computer Supported – Cooperative Learning, 1994, 2nd edition 2000
• Panitz, Ted, Collaborative Versus Cooperative Learning- A Comparison Of The Two Concepts Which Will Help Us Understand The Underlying Nature Of Interactive Learning (p.1 – 10)
• Paulsen, Morten, The Hexagon Of Cooperative Freedom: A Distance Education Theory Attuned to Computer Conferencing, DEOSNEWS Vol. 3 No. 2. ISSN 1062-9416. Copyright 1993 DEOS
• Paulsen, Morten, Part One: Online Education, Teaching and Learning, Cooperative Freedom: An Online Education Theory (p. 39 – 50), 2003
• Paulsen, Morten, Cooperative Freedom as a guiding star for Online Education, slideshare.net
• Paulsen, Morten Theory of Cooperative Freedom, toonlet.com
• Rosana Romanó, Ambientes Virtuais para a Aprendizagem Colaborativa no Ensino Fundamental
• Stephan Downes, Blog, article E-Learning 2.0, October 17, 2005
• Wikipedia – collaborative learning
                    - cooperative learning

Trying to understand the cooperative term:

1) Difference between collaborative and cooperative learning:

  •  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaborative_learning: this article from Wikipedia talk’s about the meaning of collaborative term in learning environment. It means that “collaborative learning is commonly illustrated when groups of students work together to search for understanding, meaning, or solutions or to create an artifact or product of their learning” and it says that collaborative learning is “closely related to cooperative learning” (if it’s related is not the same thing).

  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooperative_learning : trying to know what’s cooperative learning I read some things about the Modern school and (it’s one of the practices in my classroom) and, in this article from Wikipedia I see one interesting think: “Students must work in groups to complete the two sets of tasks collectively”; which, in my opinion, means that cooperative learning involves the student’s in some more large, and, requires some positive interdependence (that not appends in collaborative learning).
In this two article I discovery that collaborative learning means work in group to solve a problem or to find an objective, but cooperative learning involves the members of the group in a major task and became them responsible to the process of learning of all. So, collaborative learning involves persons in a group and cooperative learning involves persons in the development of the group (the responsibility and the work is more, but also more grateful to the learners). Of course I’m talking about the collaborative and the cooperative learning in the global sense, I’m not talking, yet, about this terms in the e-learning environment.

  •  Paulsen, M.F. 2003, Part One: Online Education, Teaching and Learning, Cooperative Freedom: An Online Education Theory (p. 39 – 50): Professor Paulsen in this article says: “Houle (1984) states that education is a cooperative rather than an operative art: it implies voluntary interaction among individuals during learning. Even solitary students guiding their own programs without the help of an instructor seek help and encouragement from others.” It strength the idea that I´ve expressed: cooperative learning involves students in a major task and responsabilizes all the individual learner in the learning process.

  • Collaborative Versus Cooperative Learning- A Comparison Of The Two Concepts Which Will Help Us Understand The Underlying Nature Of Interactive Learning, Ted Panitz – this article gives us an interesting difference between collaborative and cooperative learning, and insert this e-learning theories in the context of the learning theory (constructivism), which resumes all the things that I’ve already say. Panitz say’s that:
    “Collaborative learning (CL) is a personal philosophy, not just a classroom technique. In all situations where people come together in groups, it suggests a way of dealing with people which respects and highlights individual group members' abilities and contributions. There is a sharing of authority and acceptance of responsibility among group members for the groups actions. The underlying premise of collaborative learning is based upon consensus building through cooperation by group members, in contrast to competition in which individuals best other group members. CL practitioners apply this philosophy in the classroom, at committee meetings, with community groups, within their families and generally as a way of living with and dealing with other people. Cooperative learning is defined by a set of processes which help people interact together in order to accomplish a specific goal or develop an end product which is usually content specific. It is more directive than a collaborative system of governance and closely controlled by the teacher. While there are many mechanisms for group analysis and introspection the fundamental approach is teacher centered whereas collaborative learning is more student centered.” Also in this article is given an interesting definition about cooperative learning (by Spencer Kagan – 1989): "The structural approach to cooperative learning is based on the creation, analysis and systematic application of structures, or content-free ways of organizing social interaction in the classroom. Structures usually involve a series of steps, with proscribed behavior at each step. An important cornerstone of the approach is the distinction between "structures" and "activities". To illustrate, teachers can design many excellent cooperative activities, such as making a team mural or a quilt. Such activities almost always have a specific content-bound objective and thus cannot be used to deliver a range of academic content. Structures may be used repeatedly with almost any subject matter, at a wide range of grade levels and at various points in a lesson plan." So we can say that collaborer is usual, made part of the human been, but cooperer is much more, is to became responsible to the learning and share it in a community.
In conclusion I’ve to say that there’s a lot’s of articles that describes the difference between collaborative and cooperative learning, but I thing that is this little annotated bibliography I discovery a few things:

1) Collaborative and cooperative learning are different concepts (in the nertwork there’s a lot of articles that confuse them, or take them indefinably like this: (Cristiane Luiza Köb Leite, Marileni Ortencio de Abreu Passos, Patrícia Lupion Torres e Paulo Roberto Alcântara, A Aprendizagem Colaborativa na Educação a Distância on-line; Rosana Romanó, Ambientes Virtuais para a Aprendizagem Colaborativa no Ensino Fundamental.);

2) The two terms as born in constructivism theory (from Piaget) that is a development theory and say to us that the learning is made by the subject in interactivity whit the environment (it’s an interactivist theory);

3) The term collaborative men’s work in group, whit people, but it could not have interactivity; this term is specific from the cooperative learning (construct, interact in the learning);

4) Collaborative learning implies rules and lot’s of responsibility, because teacher becomes a moderator and doesn’t transmit the matter to the pupils. All are responsible to the all learning.

quarta-feira, 10 de março de 2010

Como fazer uma bibliografia comentada - algumas dicas


Uma bibliografia anotada é uma lista de citações de livros, artigos e documentos. Cada citação é seguida de uma breve (geralmente cerca de 150 palavras), descritiva e avaliativa anotação. A finalidade da anotação é informar o leitor sobre a pertinência, precisão e qualidade das fontes citadas.



A síntese dos resumos é puramente descritiva, encontrado-se frequentemente no início de artigos de revistas académicas ou em índices de periódicos. As anotações são descritivos e críticas e expõem o ponto de vista do autor com clareza e adequação da expressão e autoridade.



Criar uma bibliografia anotada necessita da aplicação de uma variedade de habilidades intelectuais: exposição concisa, análise sucinta e pesquisa bibliográfica informada.

Em primeiro lugar há que localizar e registar as citações de livros, periódicos e documentos que podem conter informações úteis e ideias sobre o tema em análise. Resumidamente deve-se examinar e analisar os elementos reais. Em seguida, escolher as obras que oferecem uma variedade de perspectivas sobre o tema.

Citar o livro, artigo, ou documento com o estilo apropriado.

Escreva uma anotação sucinta que resume o tema central do livro ou artigo. Incluir uma ou mais frases que: a) avalie a autoridade do autor, (b) a intenção com que se dirige ao público, (c) comparar ou contrastar este trabalho com outros citados, ou (d) explicar como este trabalho é importante para a sua bibliografia.


Anotação bibliográfica de um artigo de Jornal:

1) The following example uses the APA format for the journal citation.

Waite, L. J., Goldschneider, F. K., & Witsberger, C. (1986). Nonfamily living and the erosion

of traditional family orientations among young adults. American Sociological Review, 51 (4), 541-554.

The authors, researchers at the Rand Corporation and Brown University, use data from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Young Women and Young Men to test their hypothesis that nonfamily living by young adults alters their attitudes, values, plans, and expectations, moving them away from their belief in traditional sex roles. They find their hypothesis strongly supported in young females, while the effects were fewer in studies of young males. Increasing the time away from parents before marrying increased individualism, self-sufficiency, and changes in attitudes about families. In contrast, an earlier study by Williams cited below shows no significant gender differences in sex role attitudes as a result of nonfamily living.

2) This example uses the MLA format for the journal citation. NOTE: Standard MLA practice requires double spacing within citations.

Waite, Linda J., Frances Kobrin Goldscheider, and Christina Witsberger. "Nonfamily Living and the

Erosion of Traditional Family Orientations Among Young Adults." American Sociological Review 51.4 (1986): 541-554. Print.

The authors, researchers at the Rand Corporation and Brown University, use data from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Young Women and Young Men to test their hypothesis that nonfamily living by young adults alters their attitudes, values, plans, and expectations, moving them away from their belief in traditional sex roles. They find their hypothesis strongly supported in young females, while the effects were fewer in studies of young males. Increasing the time away from parents before marrying increased individualism, self-sufficiency, and changes in attitudes about families. In contrast, an earlier study by Williams cited below shows no significant gender differences in sex role attitudes as a result of nonfamily living.

Fonte: http://www.library.cornell.edu/olinuris/ref/research/skill28.htm
URL: http://www.library.cornell.edu/olinuris/ref/research/permission.html

domingo, 7 de março de 2010

Algumas reflexões - MREL4

A breve leitura que efectuei sobre as obras disponibilizadas trouxe-me uma série de conhecimentos sobre recursos educacionais abertos. Curiosamente desconhecia a existência de movimentos que consideram que a aprendizagem implica a reutilização de materiais online. É certo que já me tinha apercebido da existência de alguns materiais online que servem de apoio às mais diversificadas tarefas que efectuo na minha vida profissional; contudo pensei que muitas vezes estava a recorrer a algo de forma menos legal (e na maior parte das vezes a infringir a lei). Actualmente consigo perceber que existem recursos que podem ser utilizados e reutilizados (porque podem ser modificados) sendo que , apesar de terem direitos de autor, são recursos disponibilizados online com um fim educativo, o que releva o altruismo de um movimento de pessoas que, efectivamente, contribuem para o desenvolvimento da educação e, no verdadeiro sentido, da aprendizagem.
Aliada a estes movimentos surge uma nova teoria da aprendizagem - o conectivismo - que assenta na ideia de que o ser humano é um ser capaz de estabelecer ligações a vários níveis e, será tanto mais 'rico' em termos de aprendizagem, quanto maior os níveis de conexões (ligações) que for capaz de efectuar. Ora esta 'nova' teoria é recorrente de algumas mais antigas - nomeadamente o construtivismo que manifesta a necessidade da interacção do indivíduo (ser dotado geneticamente de uma vasta série de predisposições) com o meio ambiente -; segundo Piaget nós vamo-nos contruindo (a nossa personalidade) com as interacções que vamos efectuando, de forma construtiva e activa; esta nova teoria de Siemans vem um pouco nesta continuidade construtiva, mas alia às construções do agente o número de conexões que este vai elaborando; somos construtivos não só com um mundo presente na realidade, mas também construímos com uma realidade virtual. Esta parece-me ser uma nova perspectiva que possibilita ao indivíduo uma construção activa de si, mesmo com aquilo que não faz parte da sua realidade presente, o que lhe (nos) possibilita um maior enriquecimento.
Para além das vantagens da virtualidade surge-me um pequeno grande problema: a conexão (relação com várias realidades) traz o problema da seriação da informação. Ora parece-me que é precisamente aqui que deverá entrar em acção o educador / professor. Online existe um sem número de informação (boa, má e assim assim) que sem capacidade de seriação nos traz mais desinformação do que informação; por isso o educador tem um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento da aprendizagem: ajuda a seriar, proporciona recursos / meios de recolha / seriação de informação ajudando à assimilação da mesma (como se estivesse numa bibliteca gigante e tivesse de recorrer aos ficheiros para seriar os melhores livros). Neste sentido o tema do Compose e Adapte da obra de Willey manifesta-se como um poderoso roteiro de formação / reformulação de recursos, deixando sempre em pauta a importância daqueles a quem se destina e o ambiente em que será usado (as circunstâncias que rodeiam a aprendizagem). A forma como se processa a transmissão da informação (use) é fulcral e sem se saber fazer uso dos recursos online parece-me que, efectivamente, tudo o resto não terá sentido.
Assim sendo posso concluir, pessoalmente e ainda um pouco a sangue frio e sem saber muito bem as consequências daquilo que destas novas realidades poderá surgir , que estamos a atravessar um deserto de valores a nível pessoal, social, educacional (entre outros) sendo que o instrumento computador e todas as suas potencialidades poderão ser positivos ou negativos; isso dependerá do uso que se lhe der, mas uma coisa é certa: esta nova transição é tão grande que me parece só se poder comparar àquela que surgiu com o aparecimento da escrita.