terça-feira, 6 de abril de 2010

United 2, Task 1 - Examples of Models and Stategies

4) Examples of Models and Stategies

Zorfass, Judith, Remz, Arlene, Gold Jennifer, Ethier, Denise, Corley, Patricia, Strategies for Successful Facilitation

This is an article talk’s with examples to reflect about some questions:

1) What strategies best guide and support online facilitators?

2) What are the characteristics of the online environment?

3) What successful online facilitators do?

1) “Some of our strategies relate to the process of designing an event; others relate to implementation; and still others help bring an event to closure. Some strategies require that we work behind the scenes; for others we are visible to participants, serving as ex-officio facilitators. In our most visible role, we take responsibility for responding to technical questions and providing user support. (…) NCIP has developed the following four strategies to support facilitators: 1) co-constructing workshops with the facilitator; 2) modeling and mentoring; 3) coaching to prevent and ameliorate problems; 4) working in tandem with the facilitator to promote interactivity.”

2)” Participants, as well as facilitators, have few models to rely on for how they are to think, collaborate, share, and build knowledge in an online environment that depends on writing.”

3) “Orienting participants and guiding them to post and read messages, as well as to locate, review, and download relevant messages, materials, and resources; making sure that participants understand the expectations and norms for respectful interaction, as well as knowing how to follow directions for carrying out the associated tasks and activities (both online and offline); creating a strong, interactive learning environment by encouraging participants to provide information and resources, discuss issues, and collaborate with each other to generate solutions to problems; using a variety of strategies to help participants expand their knowledge based on their particular situations, needs, interests, and abilities, such as:1) asking people to elaborate upon, justify, or support ideas, especially if there are conflicting views or multiple perspectives; 2) infusing content information to nourish the conversation; 3) pointing out ways in which one person’s comment links to or builds upon another’s; encouraging the connection of ideas, thus moving the communication from individual ideas to a group understanding. Encouraging participants to reflect on what they have learned and what impact this information has on their beliefs and behavior; guiding participants, as relevant, to critique the online learning experience from a personal and professional perspective.”

Relevance: It show us examples about online tutors and them strategies to be successful in their courses.


It’s a site about on line courses and pedagogical concord technique. The following nine key characteristics define The Concord Consortium's approach to delivering quality e-Learning.

1. Asynchronous collaboration. Participants don't have to be logged on to the course simultaneously; they work in an asynchronous environment in which text-based, threaded discussion and collaborative problem solving form the core learning strategy.

2. Explicit schedules. Instructors of online courses that rely on collaborative discussions schedule lessons within a specific timeframe so participants can share similar experiences and insights.

3. Expert facilitation. Online courses are led by a qualified person specifically trained in online facilitation.

4. Inquiry pedagogy. Designers create effective online courses -- with many specific elements that contribute to sound pedagogy for inquiry learning.

5. Community building. Course designers and instructors are proactive in designing and nurturing a community culture in which participants are supportive, honest, and willing to take intellectual risks.

6. Limited enrollment. There are between 12 and 25 participants in a class to keep collaborative learning manageable.

7. High-quality materials. Course designers include the widest feasible range of media and activities to appeal to different styles of learning.

8. Purposeful virtual spaces. Online, course designers create explicit structures so the community gets what it needs without interrupting the flow of content-based discussions. Typically included are a "Student Lounge," a "Questions about Assignments," a "Technical Questions," and a "Class Meeting" discussion space for debriefing course experiences.

9. Ongoing assessment. Online assessment is a continuous, ongoing process. Instructors find evidence of achievement in participants' daily contributions to online discussions. They learn each student's unique voice and approach to solving problems through their postings.

Relevance: It gives us another example about a pedagogical model and the caracteristisc that are fulcral to on line courses (to this model).

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