terça-feira, 6 de abril de 2010

United 2, task 1 - Pedagogical Techniques

2) Pedagogical Techniques


This link talk’s about three specific pedagogical techniques ideal for on-line facilitation: e-mail paradigm (one to one – individual bases learning -. It’s great to establish goals and be more connect with Professor, like in learning contracts), bulletin board paradigm (one to many – lectures, symposiums) and conferencing paradigm(many to many – debates, simulations, case studies, brainstorming and projects). It’s a very interesting audio explication (podcast).

Relevance: It explains three specific pedagogical techniques ideal for on-line facilitation.


It makes an examination of the various aspects of facilitation from a pedagogical (have clear objectives, remain flexible, encourage participation, don’t be authoritarian, be objective, expect less, don’t rely on off-line materials, design for private conversations, find unifying threads, use simply assignments, make material relevant, require contributions, present conflicting opinions, invite visiting experts, don’t lecture and request responses) social (lurkers will be there, fear is commune, don’t use humor or sarcasm, have people post introductions, promote opportunities for interactivity, encourage good discussion behavior, discourage bad discussion behavior, deal with flames quickly and decisively) managerial (maintain informality, provide a list of participants, be responsive, be patient, use participant names, engage in meta – communication, synchronize and resynchronize, provide procedural leadership, prompt frequently and be clear, don’t overload people, move misplaced content, handle tangents appropriately, call on individuals, develop participant leaders an end the sessions), and technical (give feedback to problems, provide study guides, provide time to learn, allow for peer learning, lecture only when appropriate, give clear directions) perspective.

Relevance: It’s about the aspects of facilitation in four perspectives (pedagogical, social, managerial and technical) to the online tutor.

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